
Together we can achieve more! Thus, MGF-Nordsee works closely with other projects and agencies so that we can find out as much as possible about our coastal waters and our impact on sensitive marine ecosystems.


MGF-North Sea is part of the research mission "Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Areas" (sustainMare) of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM). This mission focuses on regions in the North Sea and Baltic Sea and investigates the impacts of eutrophication, fisheries, shipping (including construction and maintenance of ports and shipping ways), pollutants (including plastics and other types of debris and chemical contaminants), tourism, renewable energy production, extraction of mineral resources, dredging and deposition of sediments, coastal protection measures, and other direct economic impacts.

The mission consists of seven joint projects with a total of 28 research institutions and aims to identify options for action. The use of the results in politics and society is also ensured through knowledge transfer measures and the provision of data.


The collaborative project "Anthropogenic impacts on particulate organic carbon cycling in the North Sea" (APOC) is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the MARE:N program "Oceans under Stress - Analysis of Marine CO2 Uptake Capacity" and under the aegis of the research framework program "Research for Sustainable Development" (FONA).